Intime oya
Intime oya

intime oya

For my own taste, I’d have loved it even a further bit higher but I’m being subtle. The signature is a U whereon snappy, textured and detailed bass and highs compensate each other in presence most of the times (with an occasional bright-ish prevalence… sometime!), while each keeps setting the pace and the rythm to deliver a very engaging and cohesive musical experience. Intime Sora 2’s key identity is clean energetic musicality. This is where a careful calibration between the resolution of the ceramic VST mentioned above and the mid-high range tuning of the graphene coated DD becomes vital, resulting in a bass with a solid outline, harmonious mid-high range and wide spatial expression – as in facts Insime Sora 2 does deliver, big time !

#Intime oya driver

It has a down side though: it tends to purge too much of the high frequencies off the dynamic driver vibration.

intime oya

This – according to Intime – increases sound realism and decreases fatigue. With HDSS technology, the sound inside the housings is more controlled and does not invest the diaphragm, allowing the dynamic driver to move only as a consequence to the signal source. Some sound waves are commonly uncontrolledly reflected inside the housing, impacting onto the dynamic driver diaphragm, causing dissonance from the intended purpose. Its purpose is to suppress sound reflections inside the housing, resulting in cleaner output. Another unique (patented, actually) technology adopted inside Sora 2, as much as inside Ti3 too, is called “HDSS” as in High Definition Sound Standard.

Intime oya